CAMP Altiplano
Camp Altiplano aims at having a positive impact on the land through regenerative practices and ecosystem restoration,
bringing people together to experience it first hand.
Camp Altiplano covers an area of 5 hectares. It used to be a grain field, and has now turned into a regenerative farming-educational project. We have no irrigation, all our crops are rainfed.
On the land we have structures to host volunteers and courses . Electricity comes from solar panels. Our water supplies partially come from the water source at the farm La Junquera. We have just installed a rainwater harvesting system that collects water from the buildings, to be able to be independent in terms of water use.
Camp Altiplano aims at restoring a degraded ecosystem, bringing soils back to life, natural areas back to forests, and life back to the countryside.
We are located in a region of Murcia dominated by conventional agriculture and monocultures, rainfed systems where water is often a limiting factor. We aim at offering an alternative to this type of production, becoming an example in the area of a system that combines regenerative agriculture with environmental regeneration, biodiversity restoration and livelihood improvement.

We aim at offering learning and inspiring experiences to locals and to the volunteers that join us from all over the world, communicating and sharing our learnings with the wider community, monitoring our impact and implementing successful practices in more farms around us.